Known for her radical textile sculptures Chilean artist and poet Cecilia Vicuña became one of the hottest artists of the year. She left her native country in 1973 after the military coup and, at present, Cecilia lives in New York. She is famous for her artworks, dedicated to culture of aboriginal peoples of her country, as well as by criticism of economic, political and gender inequality. In 2019 Vicuña won Velázquez award in Plastic Arts. In April 2022 she was awarded the “Golden Lion”, the main prize of the Venice Biennale. Now the Gallery Tate Modern houses her huge exhibition which will continue till April 26, 2023.

“My artwork since the very start revealed interplay of visual art and poetry. Unfortunately, the realm of poetry leaves no place for artists, and the realm of art leaves no place for poets”.

“Most people have never seen my paintings because I concealed them for almost 40 years. In my teens I started to create weird abstract compositions, in their concept, much like my future “precario” sculptures”.

“I began to define my artwork by the adage “it’s about to happen”, as early as the 1970, it is my vision of how art exists. Art is not what you may think of it, but it is what’s about to happen. It is conscience and consciousness”.
