The Rolex Giraglia, which celebrates its 69th anniversary in 2022, will be held from June 10-18. The Giraglia is the Mediterranean’s most prestigious sailing event, held since 1953 and attracting yachtsmen from all continents to flock to Rolex. The regatta includes both IRC and ORC classes ranging in size from 9.44m to 30m.

The regatta has several stages. Starting in San Remo, the yachts arrive in the luxurious port of St Tropez, where a series of coastal races takes place over three days. The second stage is a fixed-distance race in the bay of Saint-Tropez. The third stage is an open sea race: from Saint Tropez through the northern tip of the island of Corsica, skirting the rock of Giralla, and on to Genoa. The stage is 241 nautical miles long.

Winners receive, among other prizes, a Rolex watch from Rolex, a perennial partner of the Giraglia Rolex Cup since 1997. Unfortunately, this year’s regatta will take place without any Russian participants.

Photo: press-office